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R&D&I (Research and Development & Innovation)

AGPHARM BIOINNOVATIONS is a innovation driven company which is oriented to use science for sustainable life.  AGPBI  envisages the research and development of new eco-friendly, organic  as well as cost effective interventions by exploitation of microbial and plant diversity for sustainable living, addressing the needs in  primarily in  Food, Agriculture and Pharma sectors.

Biodiversity is simply defined as sum total of all organisms existing in a particular geographic area. It is increasingly being explored and exploited for development of novel products and applications.

Agrobiologicals generally comprise of living  organisms  beneficially used for crop production and protection. They generally are complementary to nature’s self defence against a variety of pests.

Microbial diversity has impacted mankind with novel products beginning with  medicines with the discovery of Penicillin to Strobilurins, a spectrum ranging  from an antibiotic to a potent fungicide.

Microorganisms offer themselves for prospective value creation by formulating them into biofertilizers, exploring and exploiting bioactive agents through screening for antimicrobials, novel plant growth promoters and adaptogenic molecules for both agrochemical and pharmaceutical sectors.

Our innovation areas comprise of Food Security, Crop Protection and Use of botanical extracts and herbal formulations as phytosanitizers, herbal medicines and sanitizers to combat and overcome microbial insults.